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Contesting the Streets II: Vending and Public Space in Global Cities, a conference held October 2-3, 2015 at USC’s Price School of Public Policy, convened scholars, government actors, and activists in dynamic dialogue to advance the controversies over vending in public space, through evidence-based research and global comparisons.

In order to facilitate further discourse, this webpage provides links to the event’s videos, news coverage, program, and the research papers published in a special issue of Cityscape.

  • Annette Kim introduces a discussion moderated by Raphael Bostic between keynotes Saskia Sassen, Margaret Crawford, and Ananya Roy.

This conference was sponsored by SLAB, the Spatial Analysis Lab at USC Price; The César E. Chávez Department for Chicana/o Studies at UCLA, and the USC Bedrosian Center on Governance.

Symposium Organizers:

  • Annette M. Kim, Associate Professor at the Price School of Public Policy and Director of SLAB, Price School of Public Policy, USC
  • Abel Valenzuela Jr., Chair of the César E. Chávez Department for Chicana/o Studies and Professor of Chicana/o Studies and Urban Planning, UCLA
  • Raphael Bostic, Bedrosian Chair Professor and the Director of the Bedrosian Center on Governance, Price School of Public Policy, USC.

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